The cockpit Boat, Hallberg-RassyMarkusFebruary 20, 20192019, Boat, #daily365, HallbergRassy352, Boatlife, Cockpit, TourComment
The “bathroom” Boat, Hallberg-RassyMarkusFebruary 17, 2019Shower, Head, Boat, hallbergrassy, #daily365, hallbergrassy352, 2019Comment
Croatia and the taxes on boats. Boat, #daily365MarkusFebruary 2, 2019Taxes, Boat, 2019, #daily365, CroatiaComment
Anchor tips, get a Spade! Mantainance, Sailing, BoatMarkusJanuary 26, 2019#daily365, Boat, 2019, anchor, Spade, SailingComment
Awareness of the wind BoatlifeMarkusJanuary 6, 2019Nature, #daily365, Life, Boat, Wind, Quote, 2019Comment